
3 Steps To Follow When You're Facing An Assault Charge After A Bar Fight

Law Blog

Bar fights are more common than you think, which could result in you ending up with an assault charge on your record, even if you haven't started them. Bar fights are especially dangerous because alcohol inhibits clear thinking, and in many circumstances end up being fatal for someone. Follow these steps when you're facing an assault charge after a bar fight. Make Sure Your Lawyer Is Present When Giving Your Statement

22 March 2017

Three Simple Strategies on Managing Your Estate Planning Issues

Law Blog

In legal terms, estate refers to your total net worth, which includes your entitlements and rights to any type of property. This is an important issue to periodically evaluate, particularly with regard to death. In simple terms, it is crucial for you to understand and take action with regard to estate planning. Basically, estate planning involves arranging for the disposal and general management of your estate during your lifetime and after your death.

22 March 2017

2 Steps To Preparing A Will That Won't Be Contested In Court

Law Blog

Around half of Australians don't have a legal will prepared for when they pass away. Although it isn't pleasant thinking about your own demise, having a legally binding will is vital to ensure that your assets and possessions are distributed to your loved ones in accordance with your wishes. Dying without a will, called being intestate, means that the governing body in your state will distribute your estate in accordance with a standard formula.

21 March 2017

My employer hasn't paid me. What should I do?

Law Blog

Many employees hardly know their employment rights and what they are actually entitled to. In a scenario where your employer fails to pay you for something, whether it's regular wages, reimbursements, tip splitting, overtime, or something else, you might feel very confused and frightened. Is the boss right? Should you even think about fighting? Here is a list of several workplace violations that workers should be conversant with and for which they should consult a compensation lawyer.

20 March 2017

Here Is How You Grant Legal Rights to Your Next of Kin


The next of kin ensures that your property and future plans are well cared for in your absence. They can also help you to manage your assets in case of incapacitation by a terminal illness, accident or other factors affecting your wellbeing. For your next of kin to do this, he or she must have legal rights granting her the authority to make important decisions on your behalf.  The following discussion sheds light on how you can give legal rights to your next of kin:

20 March 2017

Do You Need a Family Lawyer for Your Divorce?

Law Blog

In many areas, a couple can manage a divorce on their own, if it's amicable and you agree on all terms and conditions. You can have an agreement drawn up and register it with the courts; if a judge sees nothing to question in the agreement, it may then be filed and the marriage is dissolved. However, even if this is allowable in your area, such a procedure may not be to your advantage.

15 March 2017

Three Reasons Why You Need a Commercial Lawyer

Law Blog

Whether you are the owner of a small business enterprise or a large corporation, every business always needs the services of a corporate attorney at one point or another. When matters concerning legal documents like leases and contracts arise, or when performing significant transactions that require some degree of legal knowledge and document preparation, a commercial lawyer can be of great benefit to you. Here are the three top reasons why you need a commercial lawyer.

23 February 2017

Workplace Injury: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Contact a Lawyer

Law Blog

If you have suffered an injury at work, you may be considering making a workers compensation claim. However, before a compensation lawyer can move forward with your case, they will need to establish if the injury was caused by your workplace environment or a work related task. Before contacting a compensation lawyer, you should ask yourself the following questions. Did the injury happen in the workplace? You should think about location in which the injury occurred.

13 February 2017